The 1975 - Sincerity Is Scary





驚艷並非曇花一現,它持續在我腦海裡發生,像是過去自我醞釀的秘密被打開了,像是大腦在坦蕩地欣賞藝術,投射出層次豐富的心境。這是聽著The 1975的歌曲所帶給我的感覺。

他們也承認音樂不拘泥任何genre,我也是不懂混合著許多風格的自己有沒有什麼標準必須衡量。知識過度於講究某些層面的邏輯反到造成而後變遷的窒礙,或許跟著感覺走,依照直覺而結合時代所需去彈性地發揮自我價值,溫柔推順過去的失誤前進,也算是The 1975所帶給我的啟發。The 1975是獨立也算是流行,聽完他們2020跟2018的兩張專輯,真心感受到他們的歌曲正繞著不同世界都能自轉的神奇魔力。




And irony is okay, I suppose, culture is to blame

諷刺很正常 我想 要怪就怪文化

You try and mask your pain in the most postmodern way

你試著以極度後現代的手法 來隱藏你的創傷

You lack substance when you say


Something like, "Oh, what a shame"


It's just a self-referential way that stops you having to be human

用自我指涉的方式 好讓你脫離人的本性

I'm assuming you'll balloon when you remove the dirty spoon


And start consuming like a human, that's what I am assuming

你就能像普通人一樣』 這樣假設的確是對的


I'm sure that you're not just another girl

我保證 妳是無可替代的女孩

I'm sure that you're gonna say that I was sexist

我知道 妳會說我有性別歧視

I feel like you're running out of all the things I liked you for

我感覺妳漸漸 不是我喜歡的那個樣子了


Why can't we be friends, when we are lovers?

我們相愛之後 為何做不了朋友?

'Cause it always ends with us hating each other

愛到最後 總是淪為互相傷害

Instead of calling me out, you should be pulling me in

與其一對一的下戰帖 不如肩並肩共同感受

I've just got one more thing to say

聽著 我還沒說完呢


And why would you believe


You could control how you're perceived


When at your best you're intermediately


Versed in your own feelings?


Keep on putting off conceiving


It's only you that you're deceiving


Oh, don't have a child, don't cramp your style, I'll leave it

喔 別生孩子 不想被束縛 都由妳決定吧


Why can't we be friends, when we are lovers?

我們相愛之後 為何做不了朋友?

'Cause it always ends with us hating each other

愛到最後 總是淪為互相傷害收場

Instead of calling me out, you should be pulling me in

與其一對一的下戰帖 不如肩並肩共同感受

I've just got one more thing to say



I'm just pissed off because you pied me off


After your show when you let go of my hand

在妳說完話 當著她們的面鬆開我的手

In front of some sket who wants to bit on your


Nah, I'm just messing

別認真 我只是開個玩笑







|譯者 Yuan

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