那這首歌簡單來說是在闡述,曖昧的關係總是讓人有許多遐想。有時因為氣氛太浪漫 ,而一起承諾了一些事情或一起留下了回憶,卻常常只剩下一人傻傻的相信這些浪漫,而另一個人卻根本沒把那些粉紅泡泡當真『刺青』算是象徵著曖昧時所許下的『承諾』。刺青讓人看似很重要,卻也只是個觀賞用的圖文。承諾讓人以為感情牢固,但說實話就是個自由心證的衡量標準。
Said I'd never fall, I'd never fall, I'd never fall
我說過不會再愛上誰 我不再愛上誰 我絕對不會
But then I fell for you, mmm
但我卻愛上妳了 mmm
Back against the wall, against the wall, against the wall
無可奈何 退無可退 只能面對
That's how it felt with you, mmm, mmm
妳對我來說 就是這種束手無策的感覺 mmm
One weekend in Portland
You weren't even my girlfriend
We were walking and talking
我們並肩走著 相濡以沫
Then somebody said let's get
Tattoos together, something to remember
If it's way too soon, fuck it, whatever
雖然這有點太早 但管他的 來刺吧
Give me shapes and letters, if it's not forever
說出想要的圖案和文字吧 就算哪天我們分開了
Then at least we'll have tattoos together
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你啊
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你啊
Knew it from the moment, from the moment
從一開始我就知道 我就知道
From the moment that I saw you naked, mmm, yeah
彼此坦誠相見的那一刻我就知道 恩對的
I could never love nobody else, nobody else
我只對你有這樣的感情 我只對你
The way I loved you baby, mmm, mmm
我只對你能如此動心 恩恩
One weekend, no sleeping
那次週末 我們都沒睡
You weren't even my girlfriend, yeah
你還不是我的女朋友 是吧
We were kissing, like, real kissing
我們親吻著 那種 很真心的吻
Then somebody said let's get
Tattoos together, something to remember
If it's way too soon, fuck it, whatever
雖然這有點太早 但管他的 來刺吧
Give me shapes and letters, if it's not forever
說出想要的圖案和文字吧 就算哪天我們分開了
Then at least we'll have tattoos together
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, tattoos together
恩 這是我們的圖案阿
Yeah, your cherry earrings are my favorite
yeah 你的櫻桃耳環我真喜歡
They look so good, I had to save it
它們真好看 我就刺這個圖案
I've been hoping, praying we last forever
我一直祈禱著 我們能永遠在一起
'Cause there's nothing better than you and I
因為沒有其他更好的組合 就我跟你
Tattoos together, something to remember
If it's way too soon, fuck it, whatever
雖然這有點太早 但管他的 來刺吧
Give me shapes and letters, if it's not forever
說出想要的圖案和文字吧 就算哪天我們分開了
Then at least we'll have tattoos together
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, 'cause I love you
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm, 'cause I love you (Oh)
恩 我愛你阿
Mmm (Oh, ooh yeah)
Oh, alright
喔 好吧
Mmm, alright
恩 好吧..
Mmm, huh
恩 呵..
P.S. 歌詞很多mmm跟yeah,個人覺得有點像剛談戀愛時吱吱嗚嗚的感覺,想說但又怕尷尬的氣氛(?)放在這首歌很適合真的很曖昧,怪可愛的~另外推薦Lauv的Superhero,很喜歡它從零到有的故事和旋律~
|譯者 Yuan
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